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Santa Lucía/Welen Hill
Throughout the whole research process, we attempted, on several occasions, to organize some activities on the hill, to be considered as gestures of “defoundation” in this monumental space, celebrating and at the same time resisting the colonial empire. However, for different reasons it was not possible to carry them out. The hill escaped us until the end, when we found the paths to climb it, both figuratively and literally.
With the chachay Floriano Cariqueo, we had a nütram about his experience of the first political demonstrations of the urban Mapuche during the Pinochet dictatorship in the 1980s, , which took place on the hill. This site, which boasts two names, also represented the place where the Mapurbe Manifesto was elaborated (through a ‘cadaver esquisito’ exercise) and was the scene of the final part of Santiago Waria.