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The final show of the MapsUrbe project, with an exhibition of individual and collective art works produced during 2018, emerging from the workshops, nütramkawün, tours of the waria and collective reflections.


In the opening discussion, we were accompanied by lamngen who also contemplate the city according to their own positionalities, activism and works: Daniela Catrileo from Rangiñtulewfü Kolectivo Mapuche Feminista, Norma Hueche from Petu Moguelein Mahuidache, Enrique Antileo from the Comunidad de Historia Mapuche and Cristian Vargas Paillahueque de Rangiñtu and CHM. The music and performance of Daniela Millaleo and David Añiñir accompanied the event.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie grant agreement MapsUrbe No. 707537

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Photos/Editing/Graphic design: Nicola Mazzuia

Translation to Mapundungun: Norma Hueche Nahuel

All right reserved

© 2018 Olivia Casagrande and Colectivo MapsUrbe

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