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San Cristóbal Hill


From the San Cristobal hill, an attempt to momentarily demolish the streets and buildings in order to acknowledge Mapuche territoriality before the first wave of colonialism. We committed to the erasing the map of Santiago and re-drawing it with the ancient and current mapurbe geographies of the city, through a first collective cartography made by images of everyday territories and the Mapuche city.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie grant agreement MapsUrbe No. 707537

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Photos/Editing/Graphic design: Nicola Mazzuia

Translation to Mapundungun: Norma Hueche Nahuel

All right reserved

© 2018 Olivia Casagrande and Colectivo MapsUrbe

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